Art with RM Instagram Filter

The goal of this project is to create a unique and engaging Instagram filter that targets fans of BTS’s RM, showcasing art to individuals who might not have experienced or appreciated art before. BTS is a globally successful Korean pop group who promote a message of self-love and anti-violence. RM is known for his multifaceted interests, including his passion for art and frequent visits to art museums. Building on the fandom’s fascination with him, this project seeks to create a fun innovative way to connect BTS fans (Army) with the world of art. The filter will serve as an educational and entertaining tool, inspiring curiosity and interest in art among a broad audience.

RM has been a cultural ambassador of sorts, introducing art to many people through his Instagram posts and offline activities, but now that he is going into the military, many will miss that art content. This filter is not meant to replace that void, but give fans a fun way to share the art that they see with other Army members, using his silhouette as inspiration. These are not photoshopped cutouts, but hand drawn illustrations, and are meant to look like drawings to avoid misrepresentation. We hope that many people will continue the practice of “Namjooning” and share diverse art from around the world. 

Instagram filter link:

Concept and PM: DY Wohn
Early conceptualization: Michael Joel De Leon, Hongyang Zhou
Technical development and user testing: Michael Joel de Leon

Early sketches by Hongyang Zhou
Paper prototyping by Michael Joel de Leon
Digital prototyping and development in Spark AR by Michael Joel de Leon
Testing the filter at art exhibitions